Richard Huntingdon at Adliterate has written a post after my own heart about the Death of Serendipity. It is something that has been bothering me for a while as I have almost stopped listing to music altogether. I have never been the world's biggest music fan (neither are my family) but I used to listen to more music. Now I seem to have run out of the urge and that is mainly because I know all my music and don't really want to listen to it anymore. I got a new CD for my birthday recently from someone who doesn't know me that well and I was really pleased as it meant new input for my life.
I think there is definitely space for the return of more boutique stores or retailers of any kind, where you are introduced to new things, new brands, new music, new styles, simply based on their recommendation. That is the way it used to be. Maybe there is even a business idea there, recommending new and interesting things to people.