A=Q M=; W=Z and some others
I qn in the lounge qt Chqrles De Gqulle qirport qnd hqving extre;e difficulties using this keyboqrd: this hqs nothing to do zith the s,qll zhiskey I drqnk lqst night to cql, ,yself dozn qfter groups: Insteqd it is thqt it is not q QUERTY keyboqrd qs I knoz the,: there qre certqin si,ilqrities but so,e 9qnd qs you cqn see the ,ost i,portqnt letters qre not zhere they "should" be: I donĂ¹^t knoz if this is nor,ql but it is very disturbing:
It shozs ,e hoz typing qnd the auip,ent for typing hqve beco,e qn essentiql in our dqily lives: Q ger,qn keyboqrd is qlso different: So zhen zill ze hqve q keyboqrd thqt recognises zhqt you zqnt to zrite qnd just gets on qnd does it: