I wonder if anyone can help me. I'm looking for a tool which basically marks webpages I'm looking at but haven't got time to read properly and then bookmarks them, not only the whole site but that page. So that when I open up my browser again, they are there and just waiting to be read. Exactly like a bookmark works in a book. Most of us readers don't decide I'm going to read and then go and browse the shelves, deciding what am I going to read in today? So starting from scratch each time. Instead we go the book we have next to the bed and open it up where we left off. I know (before you tell me) that the web is not like a book, but if there is this tool out there, I'd be really interested to know. Thanks
PS. My Mum is brilliant, she just ignores this whole changing technology thing. She continues to write me letters as a way to communicate information and she has recently started a bookmark collection. Good on you, Mum