Confession time: I consider myself a normal well balanced individual. I don't obsess about my weight or my appearance but at the moment due to some very pleasant personal circumstances (I'm getting married in a couple of months), I've started to think about my appearance and in particular my weight. I even found myself saying the immortal words "But I want to look thin and beautiful", to which my partner replied "you are already beautiful and anyway thin and beautiful are not the same thing." (I know, he's great, isn't he? and I haven't even trained him.) So this entry is not just an observation, it's very apposite for me personally.
I know there has been lots of comment on Dove and their Campaign for Real Beauty. I was always a bit cynical, although having met Olivia Johnson the Ogilvy planner and some of the Unilever team at a workshop a while ago, I started to have more of a sense for the true passion that lies behind this thinking. This film on YouTube makes me even more convinced that Dove is serious. I only hope that this is not an evolution but truly a revolution in the way that women are perceived but also perceive themselves.